Thursday, April 17, 2008 6:16 PM

Cats and heaven

I don't 'zackly like it, but sometimes GoG comes and hugs me. I usually escape and hide under the bed.

Tonight she picked me up and wet me with her face. Her face but not her tongue. Strange. What's up with THAT???

She said something about Cub and og-day heaven. I guess it must be my RevPetBlogPal, Cub, cuz he's been sick and had to go to the et-vay a lot recently.

Now I am not big on barking, scary, hairy things (also known as "og-days") but I do know that some people have og-days AND cats, so I guess I have to admit there are nice og-days out there somewhere. And I think Cub was one of them.

So to his thumb-havers, as he calls them, I send purrs and the teeniest little tail twitch farewell. And I think that we'll meet him again where there's fields of catnip and greenie bones. Though GoG insists there will be chocolate and strawberries...

The Shadow Princess

3 Comments On "Cats and heaven"

DogBlogger Says:
April 18, 2008 at 5:28 AM

Thank you, Tiria.

Tiggie FOC Says:
April 21, 2008 at 8:14 PM

Seems like a lot of good animals are in heaven. It is hard not having them here though

Karen Jo Says:
April 24, 2008 at 9:01 PM

I am sorry that you lost your friend, Tiria. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I can see that you are a beautiful Snowshoe Siamese. I am sorry that I took so long to return your visit. I am waaay behind on my visiting.

My Peeps

Bearded Scritcher ("Dad")

Giver of Greenies or GoG ("Mom")

Stringplucker (Beth)

Stringpuller (CJ)

T.O.C. ("That Other Cat")

N.C.P. ("New Catly Presence")

My Mews

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