Monday, October 13, 2008 8:02 PM


I would just like you to know that I have been very polite. I have shared my humans, the big warm comfy bed where GoG and Bearded Scritcher sleep, my favorite table nappy place, even my litter box.

This boy cat is rude. He wants more more more. And he does nothing to earn it. Just expects it to be delivered.

Last night he wanted MY place on the bed. I didn't hand it over. I will share. But I will not give him the fur off my back.

GoG said something about he should be a banker but I don't know what that means.

who is annoyed the boy cats who are pigs.


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My Peeps

Bearded Scritcher ("Dad")

Giver of Greenies or GoG ("Mom")

Stringplucker (Beth)

Stringpuller (CJ)

T.O.C. ("That Other Cat")

N.C.P. ("New Catly Presence")

My Mews

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